Ask for an appointment

Jean-Marc BIANCHINI, M.D., Ph.D,

Urologist Surgeon also Medical and Surgical Andrologist, Graduated from the Medical University of PARIS – FRANCE.

His large experience in Urological Surgery allows him to secure for you, all andrological procedures of medical and surgical penoplasty !

Bonsoir, Je cherche un praticien expérimenté en pénoplastie chirurgicale avec patchs veneux pour un élargissement, voir une pénoplastie combinée avec allongement (et sans circoncision) pratiquant sur Paris ou sa proche banlieue à des tarifs raisonnables

Pierre Durand

"Bonjour, j'aimerais connaître les risques possible du grossissement du pénis par lipofilling et avoir l'avis de plusieurs chirurgiens si possible. Merci"


“Bonjour, C'est avec un complexe que je traine depuis une bonne dizaine d'années que je vous écris à vous praticiens et patients. Depuis quelques mois, je m'intéresse sérieusement au lipofilling. Mon souhait serait de gagner en circonférence à la fois au repos et en érection.”


Enlarging penoplasty


Enlarging penoplasty

Under local anesthesia by cream hyaluronic acid injections performed by a Specialist during a 30 minutes’procedure, will allow you to enlarge and sculpt your penis.

Without surgery, mark and scar, Sexual relations are possible within two days.

Premature ejaculation


Premature ejaculation

Under local anesthesia by cream during a 30 minutes’procedure

Without surgery, mark and scar, hyaluronic acid injections performed by a Specialist in the glans ( tip of the penis) will allow you to enlarge the glans, reduce hypersensitivity thereby delay your ejaculation.

You magnify your pleasure and the one of your partner.Sexual relations are possible within two days



Vasectomy surgery

Under outpatient hospitalization’s procedure with light general anesthesia, a mini-invasive surgery, performed by a Specialist, will allow you to free yourself from procreation.

Sexual relations are possible immediately.

Lengthening penoplasty


Lengthening penoplasty surgery

Under outpatient hospitalization’s procedure with light general anesthesia, a mini-invasive surgery, performed by a Specialist, will allow you to lengthen your penis.

Sexual relations are possible within 10 days.

Lipofilling penoplasty


Lipofilling penoplasty surgery

Under outpatient hospitalization’s procedure with general anesthesia, a surgery procedure, performed by a Specialist, based on a liposuction of the pubis and re-injection, will allow you to widen your penis.

Sexual relations are possible within 10 days.

Penis enlargment surgery with biomaterial Implants


Penis enlargment surgery with biomaterial Implants

Under outpatient hospitalisation’s procedure with general anesthesia, a surgery procedure,
perfomerd by a Specialist, will allow you to increase significantly and permanently the girth of your penis in erection also as at rest.

Sexual relations are possible within two to three weeks.

Prosthetic Straightening surgery


Prosthetic Straightening surgery

Under outpatient hospitalization’s procedure with general anesthesia, a surgery procedure, performed by a Specialist, consisting with implantation of a malleable penile prosthesis, will allow you to straighten your penis.

Therefore you will perform a fulfilling sexual act
with satisfactory penile rigidity.

Sexual relations are possible within 10 days

Prosthetic penoplasty erection surgery


Prosthetic penoplasty erection surgery

Under outpatient hospitalization’s procedure with general anesthesia, a surgery procedure, performed by a Specialist, with implantation of a tricompartmental penile prosthesis, will allow you to have on demand erections.

Therefore you will perform a fulfilling sexual act with complete penile rigidity.

Sexual relations are possible within 10 days.

Contact us

Opening hours : 8 AM - 8 PM, 7 / 7

3 adresses :

1-2 rue Firmin Massot
1206 Genève

Chemin de la Colombe 15
1231 Conches – Genève

CMC – Rive gauche Geneve
Place Camoletti
21207 Genève


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